I’m sure you’ve seen these adorable Scruff-A-Luvs all over social media! I came across them on sale at Aldi and had to grab it for Brayden. While Brady was plenty of toys that clutter the house up, I LOVE brands that try to make an impact with their products which is why I was happy to bring this toy home. Scruff-A-Luvs come as an unidentifiable, matted ball of fur. Kids have to bathe them, dry them, and brush them out to find out what adorable animal they are. I love that it teaches kids to take care of animals!
Brayden loved his Scruff-A-Luv! It turned out so cute even though we thought it was a bunny most of the time haha!
As usual, mom ends up doing most of the work. I spent a good 20-30 minutes blow drying this toy! I would recommend tossing it in the drier for a few minutes.
Watch our quick demo/review of the cutest toy ever below!

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