When I was a first-time mom I had no idea that there were so many different brands, styles, and functions of breast pumps. I also had no idea how vast the price variations were, with highly rated breast pumps in the $300+ range. I just took whatever hand-me-down my mom gave to me, (it was sterilized I swear)! That pump was loud, kept me tethered to the wall and took too long to pump the smallest amount of milk. I quickly gave up on my plan of having a freezer full of milk after weaning. The pump was that bad!
Fast forward 5 years later when I could actually afford a breast pump and decided to do some research. While the Medela branded pumps are often the most recommended, I was turned off by the reviews of milk getting into the tubing. This is is difficult to clean and can lead to bacteria growth. No thanks! After reading many review articles I noticed the Spectra S2 was often mentioned. I decided to focus on this specific pump because of the reviews of fast efficient pumping, and it was only $157! Thrifty af.
With 1,800+ Amazon reviews, it is barely shy of a 5-star rating.
- Good size for portability- It has a detachable cord and can also run on batteries which makes it great for traveling.
- Easy to clean- The parts that do need to be cleaned are so easy to wash!
- Customizable settings- You can adjust the suction power and speed.
- BPA Free
- The Spectra S2 can be used as a single or double pump.
- Timer
- Nightlight- I didn’t think this feature mattered but it came in handy during late night pumping sessions.
- Easy to replace parts- Medela valves and membranes are compatible with the Spectra S1, S2, and M1 breast pump flanges.
- Two different size pumps- Depending on your breast size and flow there are two different sizes.
- It comes with two bottles- The bottles it comes with are not fancy but they were the only bottle my baby would use at first!
- Fairly quiet
- Light Weight
- The settings do not reset when the pump is shut off. If you don’t turn down the suction/speed after a pumping session you may turn it on at full force for your next session, OUCH! I’ve done it and am surprised my breasts are intact. Kidding! It does hurt though.
- To be completely transparent about the bad reviews. While few, there are reviews about the pump not working after a few months. I have had mine for over a year and it still seems to be working great.
For the price, the