

Breastfeeding Tips & Inspiration form a breastfeeding mom of 2
Family, Kids, Motherhood

Breastfeeding Tips & Inspiration

I often hear so many stories about mothers getting discouraged when it comes to breastfeeding. There are also numerous articles talking about how difficult it is. As if there aren’t enough articles telling pregnant women and mothers to be afraid and unconfident. While breastfeeding isn’t exactly as Ali Wong described her expectations, “I thought it was supposed to be this…

The Best Inexpensive Breast Pump | Spectra S2 Review Affordable breast pumps.
Baby Gear, Kids

The Best Breast Pump is only $157!

When I was a first-time mom I had no idea that there were so many different brands, styles, and functions of breast pumps.  I also had no idea how vast the price variations were, with highly rated breast pumps in the $300+ range. I just took whatever hand-me-down my mom gave to me, (it was sterilized I swear)!  That pump…